My wife is the minister of finance, my mother-in-law is the minister of war, and my daughter is foreign secretary. 我妻子是财政部长。我岳母是作战部长,我女儿是外交秘书。
Mr Newman subsequently picked up his own memorable war story when he stumbled across a secretary typing out bank statements for a company he was auditing. 纽曼随后又讲起了他本人令人难忘的战斗故事:他曾无意间看到一个秘书正在为他审计的某公司打银行对账单。
At the close of World War II, Acheson was serving as Under Secretary of State. 在二战接近尾声时,艾奇逊担任副国务卿。
"WE ARE not planning for a war with Iran." So said Robert Gates, America's new defence secretary, on February2nd. “我们并不想和伊朗开战,”二月二日美国新任国防部长罗伯特盖茨如是说。
He was a congressman, senator, secretary of war, secretary of state and vice president of the United States. 他曾担任过众议员、议员、战部部长、务卿,以及美国副总统。
"Leave the cold war in the past" that is the message from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton currently in Moscow. “让冷战成为过去”是现在正在莫斯科进行访问的国务卿希拉里传达的信息。
After the Lebanon-Israeli war broke out on July 12 of 2006, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice openly raised the idea of a new Middle East, which has attracted a great deal of international attention. 2006年7月12日黎以战争爆发后,美国国务卿赖斯公开提出了新中东,在国际上引起了广泛关注。
During the period of anti Japanese war, Liu Shaoqi successively acted secretary of the North China Bureau and the Central Plains Bureau ( renamed Central China Bureau later) of CPC. 抗日战争时期,刘少奇先后担任北方局和中原局(后为华中局)书记。
After the war outbreak, as the Secretary of State of Hayes administration, Evarts declared neutral, wishing to safeguard United States interests, at the same time, by emphasizing the belligerent rights against European powers. 战争爆发后,海斯政府的国务卿埃瓦茨宣布中立,企图在维护自身利益的同时通过强调交战国权利打击欧洲势力。